A Whatsapp message is under circulation as below: “DPC : During informal meeting with Office Bearers of AIASCT at Bengaluru during this week, Chairman and Member ( P & A) spelt out their mind that, they are determined to complete the DPC exercise on a fast track basis. They are fully cognisant of the regional disparities within C Ex Cadre and also disparity with Customs Officers. However, now is not the time to rectify all these legacy errors. Time will solve them. Task on hand is to complete the DPC before end of October. Let's all hope for a Mega Deepavali Gift.” The message does not indicate the person or from which source it is gathered. However, the glee with which it announces that nothing would be done now and a Deepavgali Gift could be expected would enable one to guess the source of the message. In the previous blog PRESS HERE FOR THE BLOG I had outlined the reason for a momentous decision of the CEC of the AIASCT remaining un-executed. Some persons who went through ...