In the earlier blog, I had left it open to analyse where we went wrong, leading to the miserable plight of the cadre.

One opinion that came in reply from a member was ‘lack of unity’.  It is indeed a reason.  But when we analyse the history of any society or nations or for that matter other organisations in the Central Government itself, nowhere we will be able to see a case of 100% unity.  It is not possible. 

There will always be vested interests.  Even in the greatest of freedom struggles, including a very vast many Indians, it could be seen that it was not a 100% unity that brought success.  There were elements inimical to the movement, within and without, there were supporters of the British Raj, among our own elite, there were different shades of opinions regarding how the movement should be taken forward, whether right, left or centre, there were pressure groups having their own grouse against the majority movement, and in spite of all that, if the movement could succeed, the tenacity of the persons involved in the movement alone is most important.  Though in the decision making also there were fundamental differences, the integrity of those who lead the movement was above board and hence those who participated did so with implicit faith and obedience to each and every call.  Knowing fully well that, if that leadership failed, nothing was going to save them.  That was the secret of the success of the movement.  In every other movement also we will see such a connect between the leadership and the participants.  It is the greatness of the leadership to know the heart of whom they represent and then without compromise stand by it, and it is the greatness of those represented to contribute their mite while opinion is being built and thereafter stick to the decision, come what may.

In respect of our cadre (which was Inspector earlier and Superintendent now) I feel that the above factors were missing from the part of the leaderships as well as the members.  The members will only get a leader ship they deserve, goes an adage.  That was exploited by a succession of leaders who proclaimed that they will get the moon for the masses, once they are in the seat of power.  The power that an elected seat shall wield is only from the moral authority – not from legal frame works or constitutional claims.  We had leaders who did not understand that fundamental principle.  So by making gullible members believe that they get them the moon, they ascended to top positions, only to simply occupy them for ages, without having the courage to fight for justice for their cadre, with conviction.  The deals were over with some postings and transfers, here and there. 

Now, why the members again and again fell for such leaders, is the next question.  This is where the members should have the courage to really introspect.

We are an intelligent cadre.  That is only individually.  But when it comes to collective work, we are egoistic due to that intelligence.  We feel that when all others go in a particular way, if we go in a different direction, we will be able to get a better deal.  The economics of demand and supply weigh our decision making process whereby we believe that if we show ourselves differently we will get the blessings of the bosses who have the authority to ‘give us benefits’.  We will be prepared to show the same servitude to the leadership of the association also, only out of the same ‘calculation’ regarding our ‘estimate’ regarding the power they wield.  We do not empathise with our leadership on grounds that they represent us and our cause.  We do not give an allowance for the fact that they have taken the responsibility on their shoulders only for our cause.  This distraction is our main weakness. 

Wherever we have been able to overcome that weakness, we have been able to see success.

In my own experience in this department, I can show two such instances:

One was in the case of transfers from a difficult place (then) called Hosur, where people were indiscriminately dumped without any transfer policy as to when they can go out to the place of their choice.  It was seen that some persons who had influence alone got transfers while those who joined there much earlier were stuck there.  It was decided in the meeting of the Hosur Units of the Association that none of the members will go and meet any authority to pursue their requests and that the administration should go as per first in first out principle.  The Collector personally came down to the Divisions to test the waters and invited people with representations to meet him.  Out of more than 25 persons who had represented, only two - that too with the goading of a PRO there - met him.  The message was loud and clear and the same Collector within another 2 weeks issued orders, exactly as per first in first out principle and told the next incumbent to make the tenure 2 years in that station as per the demand of the Association.

Second instance was when the then SG Shri. R.C.Sharma announced that the Board had shelved Cadre Review.  That was in 1995. Though the AIF itself did not react, the Coimbatore Inspectors’ Association reacted by having a two day dharna protesting against the decision of the Board. The office came to a standstill (in the whole of its jurisdiction upto Hosur then) due to massive participation by members.  This was effectively used by the then President of the AIF Com. Unnikrishnan to convey the displeasure of the cadre to the RS.  That paved the way for the Up-gradation of Inspectors who had completed 15 years as Superintendents in 1996 and 1997 all over India.  But for that upgradation, many would not have retired as ACs. (But the decision of the Board in 1996 to integrate the three feeder cadres has not yet been achieved.  This is due to the vested interests playing in the Board as well as within the cadres)

The third instance where the cadre came together but the leader ship failed was in the case of Pay matter:

The three day mass casual leave in 1998 under the umbrella of the COC of Revenue saw massive participation.  A High Power Committee was set up which gave a favourable recommendation.  But due to then leadership in Central Excise not wanting to get it at least from a prospective date from 1.1.96 as was done in the case of other departments like the Postal and IA&AD in the Fifth CPC, failed to make any head way in getting it implemented.  People like Mr. Ravi Malik gave emotive slogans like ‘We collect revenue, we will not agree for anything without arrears’.  The membership fell for the slogan and we could realise the benefit of the three day mass casual leave only belatedly in 2004 after the COC of Revenue was revived again after the AIF was rejuvenated.

The present leadership of the Superintendents has given a bold call.  It has intimated to the RS that the cadre has #nothingtocelebrate due to the squalid conditions we are placed in. 

Now it is for the cadre to show their real feeling towards the IRS machinery which has been taking decisions only to suit their own cadre, without taking into consideration the larger interests of the department.  Now is the moment that our cadre has to show that we cannot be taken for granted.  The call now is to stay away  from celebrations.  If this subtle message is not understood (if effectively portrayed by the membership by keeping away from not only celebrating but also not doing the helping from behind the scenes to celebrate – to show that they can and shall celebrate even without us) then it will be time to take stock of the situation and decide to what extent co-operation is required in carrying out work, even when it is unspecified and is heaped on our heads.

Time to see how we can overcome the mistakes of the past.

 -R. Manimohan




  1. Thank you so much for the analysis 2.O...We must come together and support the All India leadership for any fruitful outcome...We have been boycotting Central Excise Day earlier and boycotting GST Day comes with a sense of deja vu...Hoping for better times ahead...Fingers crossed...🤞🤞🤞

  2. Please add subsequent to ' in respect of our cadre ' promoted AC.


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