Convention notified -Chennai Chalo

The President of AIACEGEO has kept his word and upheld the spirit of Unity of the Association by notifying the convention at Chennai. Perhaps to avoid inconvenience to the units, he has declared it on the very same dates that Mr. Ravi malik proposed to have at Gandhidhiam. While, the notice for Convention at Gandhidham was clearly unconstitutional because, the person who notified it had ceased to be an Office bearer, as discussed in our previous blog posts and having lost the confidence of the President and the membership, naturally, if a unified Association has to continue, the President had to step in. That he has done. Further, many Units have been raising the fundamental issue regarding making the entire decision making process at the AIB level, based on the paid up membership strength, instead of based on strength of formations. It had clearly been stated at the last meeting at Delhi, reiterating only what was stated during the AEC meeting at Kolkatta. ...