To what more are we to be reduced?

The above letter from the Superintendents’ Association’s Pune Unit, speaks about the miserable levels to which our cadre and community has been driven to.

This disgrace of being forced to do the duty of a Postman/Courier/Notice Server, by Officers who are having magisterial powers, to summon, examine and record evidence, is the direct fallout of having aligned with the DR IRS Association to save the CBEC.  The architect of that flawed strategy is none other than Mr. Ravi Malik, who in spite of protests from within the organisation as well as from other sister organisations, found it fit and expedient to go with them and sign on dotted lines as prescribed by them, only with one agenda in mind and lips – to get DPC to ACs conducted.

The pound of flesh for having delivered that great demand is now being extracted by the further humiliation of a community and cadre, putting the departments’ image and fundamentals to an irreparable loss.

Any organisation becomes strong only when its foundations are strong and maintained thus.  But even after losing out real power to the Revenue Secretary, the IRS Officers have not understood that by making the department IRS Centric, they have weakened the structure and have become an easy push over.  Nothing else explains the meek surrender by the previous Chairman, in spite of his impeccable credentials throughout his long career.

But when this ignominy was playing out on the field, Shri. Ravi Malik, even after having been promoted as AC and having forfeited his right to represent the cadre of Supdts, had been going around the corridors of the North Block, to meet the Chairman, then the Revenue Secretary and thereafter as per the directions of the Revenue Secretary to meet the Member.

Clumsy reports were made by Shri. Ravi Malik, regarding the said meetings, on his blog on Friday and Saturday. 

Nowhere the reports mentioned anything about his objections to the treatment meted out to the Superintendents, in the field offices. Instead, he had given a list of all the problems of the cadre going on for decades so that anyone looking at it can have a peaceful sleep thinking that his issue has also been raised by the great Knight in the shining armour to the great powers that be.  One should be blissful enough to be ignorant of the facts that some of the demands were as old as the persons themselves on both sides of the table, that some of the demands were contradictory and above all, when the issues had been raised with the Chairperson first, then with the Revenue Secretary, again being referred to the Member clearly shows a merry-go-round at work.   

But today (10.04.2017) suddenly there is a letter published by Shri. Ravi Malik on his blog (which is incidentally still named after the Organisation which he was heading as Supdt) stating that Supdts should not be treated courier boys or postmen.  He has raised this point today only after the letter of Pune Unit went viral during the last weekend.

When these forces wanted the uniform even after it had become defunct and outdated after the abolition of TEM, non-publication of fresh OPM after 1973 and several committees including the 5th CPC recommending abolition of whatever it is, did not realise that it will lead to such a situation where we would be treated like postmen or even as chowkidars or chaprasis.

To those who would like to state that there is no degradation in labour, it has to be pointed out that it would hold good only when hierarchy has been abolished and not till then.  Not as long as the administration continues to be driven by the deadly cock-tail of British-Yankee-Communist hierarchy with a strong base of feudalism.

And representatives of cadres who take care of the interests of their own selves and that of their coterie are bell boys of such a system.


  1. The chronology has been succinctly placed on record. Even after being reduced to spectators in the GST regime the high handedness of some officers will not end, they have to be literally jerked to bring them to senses. It is great that Pune unit has the courage to speak out and defend themselves, while other units have ignored + del. My best wishes to the team.


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