Recognition issue

          The above letter dated 25.02.2013 grants extension of recognition for the AIACEGEO for five years from 21.01.2010 and also states, “If the Association would like to further continue the recognition beyond 5 years period stated in para 1 above, they shall have to apply for their renewal well in time before the expiry of the 5 years time limit stated in para 1 above”.

Presently we see that Shri. Ravi Malik has sent a letter vide Ref. No. 44/R/17 dated 14.03.17 seeking renewal of recognition, wherein he states that as per the letter F. No. CBEC-10C13(12)/1/2016-Ad.II B Dt. 29.09.16 it has been mentioned that the recognition of the Association had lapsed on 20.01.15 and proposal for renewal was awaited.

He invites reference to the following communications of the Association-
i)              Ref. No. 218/R/14 Dt. 26.11.14.                             
ii)             Ref. No. 06/R/15 Dt. 27.01.15.
iii)            Ref. No. 112/R/15 Dt. 08.09.15.        
iv)           Ref. No. 156/R/15 Dt. 27.12.15.
v)            Ref. No. 171/R/16 Dt. 13.10.16.

Thus it becomes clear that the issue has been going on for quite some time from 2014 and has been under correspondence between the Board and the Association.

But he strangely says in the letter dated 14.03.17 –

“However despite of no renewal required, this Association sent the renewal proposal vide its communication under Ref. No. 218/R/14 Dt. 26.11.14 well in advance on insistence of the concerned section which was responded after more than one year by that section vide letter F.No.B. 12017/09/2015-AdIVA Dt. 11.12.15.”

If there was no requirement for renewal, why he did not state that in 2013 itself, immediate on receipt of the extension on 25.02.2013? 

But he has submitted a revised application for renewal on 26.11.2014.  Then he has been in correspondence continuously.

But after all this correspondence, NOW, he suddenly wakes up to a great idea that the extension for five years was from the date of issue of the letter by the Board and therefore is valid up to 25.02.18, forgetting the categorical statement in that letter itself that the recognition was extended for FIVE YEARS from 21.10.2010. Here is the extract from his letter dated 14.03.17:

“However, the recognition of the Association was renewed on being insisted by the concerned section vide letter F. No. 12017/10/2012-Ad.IVA Dt. 25.02.13 of the CBEC further for 5 years. It means that there arises no question of lapse of recognition prior to 25.02.18 even as per the version of the concerned section.”

Then he indicates that there were queries raised by the Board in respect of his application for renewal.  Hear him speak:

“Again despite of no requirement of renewal under the current rules, all queries were replied vide Ref. No. 156/R/15 Dt. 27.12.15 by the Association immediately after receiving the above said letter from the concerned section.”

            Now, what were the queries, one could imagine.  Why they were not satisfied till date also could be understood.  And that is the reason why now he asks them to themselves verify the membership directly.

            As long as he is not able to provide DDO Certificates of 35% of the total working strength of the cadre he is seeking to represent through this Association, he cannot get a renewal.  That is the precise reason he is trying to distort the Board’s letter to get the extension for five years from the date of issue of the letter, NOW.

            And like him, all of us know that he does not have possession of such support from the members because he and his predecessors have formulated the Constitution in such a manner that it does not bother about the membership base. He has failed to correct the situation by broad-basing the organisation, in spite of our repeated pleas.  Instead, he depended upon this 'maintained weakness', to keep away from any agitations, even when the whole of Central Government Employees gave a call for agitations, on issues like the Pay Commission.  He was proud in declaring that we were a paper tiger.  This paper tiger was bothered only about one somehow get the DPC for the post of ACs conducted and get promoted.  That wish has been fulfilled.  The Association is in the expected position...rudderless since it is memberless (on record).

            Then how in the first place the extension of recognition was obtained or granted…That is a subject matter for verifications and research. 

            But the present urgency is in getting the Recognition of the association restored/extended by submitting the requisite number of DDO Certificates to prove our legitimacy, instead of making a lame argument that ‘there is no other Association’, because, that does not mean that ‘We are the Association’, without fulfilling the obligation under the RSA Rules.

            Since Shri. Ravi Malik has since been promoted to the grade of Assistant Commissioner and ceases to be a member of this Association, it becomes the responsibility of the units to submit the DDO Certificates through a newly elected body, as soon as possible.

            History shall remember Shri. Ravi Malik as the Secretary General who forfeited the recognition of the Association and brought it to the streets, other than by any agitation.


  1. This is indeed a classic analysis of the state of affairs of the Association to which it has been reduced by the SG. For all the good work kudos to him, but for making the organ a dead wood .... what should we offer....... let him choose.
    Now since we do not have any Association it is my request to all Supdts. CEx. to take up the challenge to form one. during this period of great transition in the taxation regime 15526 officers do not have an organisation.
    I would like to know the person who has started this blog, since this is the last blog of Superintendent, Central Excise as on 20.04.2017


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