We have an All India Association, which is supposed to represent our collective grievances.

But it is only some vested interests that get heard.

The reasons are as follows:

1) As per the Constitution of the said Association elections are not based on the paid-up membership of the Association.

2)  Any self appointed person can claim to be the unit office bearer of a particular area comprising of several Commissionerates and get elected to the All India Body and can exercise as many votes as the number of Commissionerates he claims to represent. Un believable?  It is true.

3)  The persons claiming to be unit office bearers have only one responsibility.  They should pay to the Association the quota of subscription for the entire sanction strength of Supdts of the commissionerates he claims to/is permitted to represent.

4)  He need not conduct elections in his so called unit.  No audited accounts of the so called units are called for.

5)  These self appointed local chieftains can of course continue as long as the chief of the Association permits.  At their pleasure...

The present scenario is not to be narrowed down to whether an AC can be a member of this association, if so whether he can contest, if so to which posts, etc.

It is a basic requirement to have the Association to represent the actual members who constitute the interests to be represented.  

While going ahead with the campaign to retain this fundamental right for the cadre of Supdts of C.Ex, it would be beneficial if we look back at the high-handed, lop-sided, parochial activities of Shri. Ravi Malik and his close associates, by which the cadre interests have seriously been compromised or jeopardised.

The heads of misdemeanor are chiefly:

Organisational - Relationship with membership, other elected representatives, conduction of meetings, minutes, adherence to decisions taken, strengthening of roots, etc.

Pay Scale issues

Regional disparities and promotions.

GST and related issues.


Relationship with sister Associations in the dept and other C. G employee organisations. 

In the days to come, we will go through each one of these, in detail. Those possessing exact details and data related to the above discussion could also mail it to me in my email id: manimohanr66@gmail.com.

 Let us know our past and then decide on the future.


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