Convention notified -Chennai Chalo

The President of AIACEGEO has kept his word and upheld the spirit of Unity of the Association by notifying the convention at Chennai.

Perhaps to avoid inconvenience to the units, he has declared it on the very same dates that Mr. Ravi malik proposed to have at Gandhidhiam.

While, the notice for Convention at Gandhidham was clearly unconstitutional because, the person who notified it had ceased to be an Office bearer, as discussed in our previous blog posts and having lost the confidence of the President and the membership, naturally, if a unified Association has to continue, the President had to step in. 

That he has done.

Further, many Units have been raising the fundamental issue regarding making the entire decision making process at the AIB level, based on the paid up membership strength, instead of based on strength of formations. It had clearly been stated at the last meeting at Delhi, reiterating only what was stated during the AEC meeting at Kolkatta.

The notice for convention issued by Mr. Ravi malik was conspicuously silent on this basis issue also.

Now, those who want to tow his line of continuing with a feudal association, without paid up membership and without conducting any elections at the unit level, are crying hoarse that all Units should go to Gandhidham to sort out the issues, by discussing them.

The moment one goes there, it will be held that we had accepted the notice issued by an Assistant Commissioner for that meeting and that therefore his continuance in the Organization has been accepted and legitimized.  The next step is that therefore he can also continue in office by that legitimacy.

That right we cannot afford to offer.

If units do not want to go to Gandhidham, it is not because they dislike that place or fear the people there. 

It is because the person inviting them to that place has lost his legitimacy.

The person who claims to be SG and who issued that notice for the convention at Gandhidham is under cloud….because his continuance is questioned. 

But the President has been above board.  He had repeatedly made his point clear.
Hence, those units who really desire Unity should go to Chennai for the Convention notified by the President.

Let Mr. Ravi Malik and all other ACs who had been holding office in the AIB until the last orders be called to the Chennai Convention and be given a grand felicitation for all that they had done.

The major victory of that group had been getting the DPC held and getting themselves promoted.

Never mind the severe criticism that the Hon’ble High Court of Madras has made against the CBEC in its judgment dated  25/04/2017 for not maintaining uniformity in recasting of seniority lists of Supdts through out India, whereby some of the seniority lists like in Delhi were recast, but people of Tamil Nadu had to seek judicial intervention for getting the Supreme Court decision implemented (Paramar decision).

Never mind that the then SG, instead of putting pressure on the CBEC to do it’s duty and instruct the CCs of all zones to recast the seniority list as per the Apex Court order, went on to fight against his own members, against their legitimate rights, put pressure on them to withdraw their case, mocked at them from the roof tops saying that they did not have merit in their case, made his minions  call them ‘sleeper cells’ working against the cadre, filed counter affidavits against their claims, which was saved from being on merit but with the limited prayer to not stall promotions alone due to the timely intervention of the President and even after the CAT Chennai had upheld the legitimacy of the demand, got the CBEC conduct DPC based on un recast seniority lists in certain zones alone and by compromising the demands of not only the Superintendents but also that of the other cadres, in relation to the introduction of GST and reorganization, got his own promotion and is now clinging on to the saddle CALLING HIMSLEF SG, to ensure that he would get postings as per his choice.

Never mind all the bickering he has been engaging with other cadre organizations within the CBEC, or with other sister organizations in the CBDT or Gazetted CG Employees.

Never mind his Delhi-centric activities, even without conducting any elections in the Delhi Unit.

Let a proper felicitation and farewell be arranged for him at the Chennai Convention.

Unlike in the meeting at Delhi, the Convention at Chennai, will be purposeful and sober- no liquor parties would be held simultaneously in the meeting hall.


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