What about the cadre interests?

Above is a photo of the delegation which met the Hon'ble Finance Minister on 10.02.2017 regarding the demands of the cadres in the CBEC, with reference to the implementation of GST.  The meeting took place after the JAC meeting of all the Service Associations in CBEC held at Delhi on 3.02.2017 and the High level meeting of the AIACEGEO at Delhi on 4.02.2017.

Subsequent to the meeting with the FM, Shri. Metta Rama Rao, the Former President of IRS Assn, one of the representatives who met the FM as a part of the delegation, had made a post in the social media, on 12.02.2017, regarding the said meeting.  A portion of the said post is given below the photo.

Shri. Rama Rao is a senior IRS Officer, who is well respected by most of us in the department.  He was the person who is said to have mainly made the submissions before the FM.  He is also known to be a person who is system based and has a wide view of things.  But in his post, even he made a passing reference that 'Inspectors and ministerial staff recruited through all India examination conducted by SSC are the other direct recruit officers form bulk of the support structure. They get promoted to next level at regular intervals.'

When the error in that statement was pointed out, he promptly corrected himself. That is also given above.

However, it is not his statement or his subsequent correction that is of concern to us.

If such a highly placed spoke person of the IRS Association could say such a thing immediately after meeting the FM, that means that the shabby treatment meted out to our twin cadres of Inspectors and Superintendent have not percolated into their collective mind even at this juncture.

Those of the Office bearers who came to Delhi on 4.02.2017 could very well recollect that the meeting of the AIACEGEO being convened after the JAC was itself declared absurd because the decisions of the previous day would become a fait accompli.

Mr. Ravi Malik, understanding the hostile attitude of the house against such an ill-planed move, stated that the demands of our cadre and Association would be communicated separately.

But what has transpired from the post of Mr. Metta Rama Rao is that Mr. Ravi Malik has failed to portray our demands before the FM.  If he had done so, such a statement would not have come from such a senior functionary.

As an afterthought perhaps, Mr. Ravi Malik sent a letter to the FM on 13.02.2017 with regard to the promotions.   

Not only has Mr. Ravi Malik failed to portray our grievances at the proper places before the proper authorities at the proper times, he has also indulged in creating hurdles for the other cadres in the department.  The classic case is the part played by him in jeopardizing the All India Seniority of Inspectors.

The following letter of Mr. Ramesh Chand Sharma from Chandigarh Zone testifies to it:

"Ravi Malik Jee 
Very Good Morning. I am Superintendent Ramesh Chand Sharma, from Chandigarh Zone and I wanted to write something about the current state of affairs in the Association, for which no else but you alone are responsible. I came to know some times back that you have been promoted to the Grade of Assistant Commissioner. So I thought that at last now will be free from the dirty leadership it had for last more than five years or so. But I never new that you are so hungry of the Secretary General Post of Superintendent Post that even after having been promoted as Assistant Commissioner, absolutely no change in your state of mind. I am sure that you want this association to demolish in all forms and respects, because ultimately that is only your motive with the kind blessings of the power that be.You have not allowed Delhi Unit to hold elections for the last more than seven years. When Inspectors Association had almost achieved All India Seniority and removal regional disparity in 2013 after having discussions with DG HRD on 29 and 30th of April, 2013, in the next meeting called for CBEC, you and your colleagues left no stone unturnd in order to ensure that whatever we had gained in the meeting with DG HRD is demolished. You never thought and you never think about the welfare of the Cadre. Had you been doing so, you would have definitely taken some stand before the power that be, that our colleagues from Shilong like zones and many other zones where our colleagues of 1996 batch have still not got first promotion even after having put up nearly 30 Years of Service. Whereas on the other hand you are and you were trying that inspectors of Delhi Zone even with less than five years of Service should be promoted to the Grade of Superintendent. I really feel ashamed to have a Secretary General Like you. Even you don't deserve to be Member of the Association but  to talk of Secretary General. If you have little interest in the welfare of the cadre, you are earnestly requested to please call of the convention called by you. The convention called by you is not only unconstitutional but also disgrace to the cadre as a whole. Please do this favor for the sake of cadre. You have not done any thing good for the cadre till date but at least if you call off the convention called by you, it will be also a great favor for the cadre as a whole. When you have been promoted you hold no right to call for the convention. However, if you so desire to be the Secretary General of the Association, please ignore your promotion and again call for the convention. Or in the alternate you can continue to be the member of the Association. However, it is my sincere request that since you are promoted please come out of Superintendent Mental Block and let the Superintendents think of their welfare.

Sincerely Yours
 Ramesh Chand Sharma,
 Member, AIACEGEOA (Chandigarh Zone)"

The rush shown by Mr. Malik to tow the line of the IRS Association, by going to the extent of even sending an e-mail to the FM attaching a note on the lines of the IRS Assn, without any consultations within our organisation, diluting the demands, restructuring the protests, changing the combined letters, etc have all signaled a definite purpose.

The Cadre definitely did not stand to gain.


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